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Crédit photo Justine White




“Je crée des ‘peintures-objets’ en cannibalisant des peintures orphelines et des idées modernistes.”

Biographie de l’artiste

Bobby Dowler, originaire de Londres, est diplomé de Southhampton et de Camberwell College, UAL Londres. Son originalité fait sa force. Bobby collectionne et réutilise des peintures sur toile et châssis, des vieux ustensiles déjà utilisés par d’autres dans le passé. Comme un matériau de récupération, il recycle le travail inachevé ou délaissé d’autres artistes auquel il ajoute ses propres chutes artistiques. Collection accumulée au fil des ans, d’abord par achat à bas prix dans les puces, foires et marchés, il reçoit aujourd’hui un grand nombre de dons. Une fois en sa possession, il analyse les tableaux, il les sépare de leurs châssis, enlève les clous, les agrafes, et les ordonne dans son atelier par taille, style, format ou forme (les châssis aussi). Les développements sont assez imprévisibles et le hasard tient une grande place dans l’œuvre de l’artiste. Il travaille par collages, aplats de matière (peinture, colle, vernis), incision, découpe jusqu’à obtenir un résultat esthétique qui lui convient. Les matériaux ont tous leur propre histoire, et leurs particularités servent de sujet à l’œuvre de Bobby.


BLINK Room Share 3, Safehouse 1, London, UK
Central Saint Martins MA Final Show, London, UK
Roadworks, Hannah Barry Gallery, London, UK (solo)

<<« 100,000%! »>>, Galería Alegría, Barcelona, ES (solo)
Group Show, Allison Blumenthal and Camila Oliveira Fairclough Studio, Paris, FR
Too Young to Fruit, curated by David J Batchelor, Velvet Projects, Brighton, UK
EXPO-PROTEST, organised by Hector Castells-Matutano, Theatre de Verre, Paris, FR
Spectral Quarters! Part Deux, organised by Hector Castells-Matutano, Paris, FR

TEIDA 1 (The Exhibition I Dreamt About), curated by Michel Carmantrand (online)
When Net Becomes Form, Galería Alegría (online) (curator)
My Child Could Do Just As Well, Galerie Anne Barrault (online)
Spectral Quarters, Artetceraetcetera, Paris, FR
When Net Becomes Form II and The Museum of The Future, curated by Sami Benhadji Djilali,
Artetceraetcetera (online)
Prospect, Raum Gallery (online)

Le grand detournement, Galerie Ceysson & Bénétière, Paris, FR
Sunday Art Fair, Galería Alegría, London, UK (solo)
Feria ARCO, Galería Alegría, Madrid, ES
Turtle Salon, Bienvenue Art Fair, Galerie Arnaud Lefebvre, Paris, FR
Paris is Burning Vol.1, Musée du Fumeur, Paris, FR
Summer Touring Show, Galería Alegría, South Coast of Spain, ES
Quiet Days, LE 31, Paris, FR (curator)
Frontón México, Material art fair, Galerie Chez Mohammed, Mexico City, MX

I will find one, Galería Alegría, Madrid, ES (solo)
fAN Archive, Kunstverein fAN, Parallel Vienna, Vienna, AT
Group show, curated by Christopher Green, 41/42, Thameside Studios, London, UK
Testing 1-2, Unit 3 Projects, London, UK
For One Night Only, Institute of Art and Research, Asnieres-sur-seine, FR
Tiny Paintings for Tall People, Galerie Chez Mohammed, Tarouda, MA

Something must happen, Sometimes It Happens, Studio Humberto Poblete-Bustamante,
London, UK (solo)
Soirée, Fiery Friary, Project by Shaun McDowell, London, UK
You see me like a UFO, Marcelle Joseph Projects, Berkshire, UK
The Collective, Workspace Gallery, Gateshead, UK
Torre Latino, Galerie Chez Mohammed, Mexico City, MX
Macho Alfa, Galerie Chez Mohammed, Material Art Fair, Mexico City, MX

All thought is in signs, curated by Ute Burkhardt, Kunstverein fAN, Vienna, AT (solo)
L’œuvre:A Question of Form and Necessity, curated by Mike Watson, Dino Morra Gallery,
Naples, IT (solo)
Pink Density, curated by Humberto Poblete-Bustamante, Clovis XV, Brussels BE
Glorious Abandon, curated by Shaun McDowell, Dynamite Projects, Redhill, Surrey UK
All the best/yours sincerely: Radical Positions in London Painting Today, curated by Humberto
Poblete-Bustamante, Galería Alegría, Madrid ES
What we all lack, Hannah Barry Gallery, London UK
6 ANS LA SIRA, MAD Agency, Asnieres-sur-seine FR
Art 16, Villa Lena Foundation, London UK

‘Hooking on’ – New work with Painting-Objects, Hannah Barry Gallery, London UK (solo)
Painting-Objects, 104 Avenue Kléber, organised by Anatole Maggiar, MAD Agency, Paris FR
(residency) (solo)
Architecture of Enjoyment part 2, curated by Marcelle Joseph Projects, London UK
Confuses Paroles, curated by Kate Hiley, Le Cabinet Dentaire, Paris FR
Fire sale, Dynamite Projects, curated by Shaun McDowell, Redhill, Surrey UK

Architecture of Enjoyment part 1, curated by Marcelle Joseph Projects, Athens GR
Les- Pierres se battent entre elles, curated by Emmanuelle Day and Allison Somers, AuversSaint-George FR
Mixed Four, organised with Christopher Green, Milly Emson and Sofia Stevi, Fokidos, St. Moritz
Art Masters, St. Moritz CH
An Element of Whim, organised with Sofia Stevi, Fokidos, Athens GR
Entrée, curated by Christopher Green, Middle March, Brussels BE
Bobby Dowler + Sofia Stevi + Anton Zolotov, FoodFace, London UK
At Home Salon, Marcelle Joseph Projects, Surrey UK
UK Kaleidoscope, House of Culture, Smartmo SI

PeckhamNewYorkParis, organised with Chi Chi Menendez, Anatole Maggiar, Shaun McDowell,
Christopher Green, MAD Agency, 104 Avenue Kleber, Paris FR
Paint As You Like and Die Happy!, organised with Sofia Stevi, Fokidos, Athens GR
PeckhamNewYorkParis, organized with Shaun McDowell, Christopher Green and Jose Martos,
Shoot the Lobster, Martos Gallery, New York US
PeckhamNewYorkParis, organized with Shaun McDowell, Christopher Green and Jose Martos,
Shoot the Lobster, 88 Friary Road, London UK
Bobby Dowler (with Christopher Green), New Talent, Hannah Barry Gallery, Art Brussels BE
For Mad Men Only (with Christopher Green), Hannah Barry Gallery, London UK
Art Brussels, Hannah Barry Gallery, Brussels BE

Sculpture Al Fresco II, Marcelle Joseph Projects, Great Fosters, Surrey UK
From New Perspectives, curated by Ralph Hunter-Menzies, Marcelle Joseph Projects, London
Turtle Salon, Hardy Tree Gallery, organised by Nick Cash, London UK

Odd Paintings, Hannah Barry Gallery, London UK (solo)

Let There Be Sculpture!, New Art Centre, Roche Court, Wiltshire UK

Bold Tendencies 3, London UK
Time Flies, Hannah Barry Gallery, London UK
The Peckham Pavilion, Hannah Barry Gallery, 53rd Venice Biennale, Venice IT
To Paint is to Love Again, Hannah Barry Gallery, London UK
Left To Chance, Firehouse 13, Providence US

Catastrophe, Hannah Barry Gallery, London UK (solo) (publication)
Many Worlds, Hannah Barry Gallery, London UK (solo) (publication)
Optimism: The Art of Our Time, Hannah Barry Gallery, London UK (publication)
Bold Tendencies 2, London UK
The Elimination of Distance, XVIII Jesus Lane, Cambridge UK (publication)

78 Lyndhurst Way Exhibitions Project: 10 Rooms & a Sculpture Garden; Colour and Line; Small
Paintings & Sculpture; Landscape, Film & Photography; Experiments in Figuration; Monumental
Painting, Sculpture and Film; Bold Tendencies, London UK (co-organiser) (publication)
Bold Tendencies 1, London UK (publication)

Spontaneous Academy, Architecture Association, organised by Manon Awst and Simon
Fujiwara, London UK
London Turtle Salon, organised by Michael Shamberg and Donald Smith, Chelsea Space,
Chelsea Collage, University of the Arts, London UK



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